
Full Official Name: KSUEmotions
Submission date: July 24, 2017, 6:25 p.m.

*Introduction* KSUEmotions was developed by King Saud University (KSU) and contains approximately five hours of emotional Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) speech from 23 subjects. Speakers were from three countries: Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Subjects read MSA sentences from newswire text in the following emotions: neutral, anger, sadness, happiness, surprise, and interrogative (asking a question). Human reviewers then listened to the recordings to identify the emotion they heard.. *Data* Audio was recorded in each participant's home. Audio is presented as 16-bit 16 kHz flac compressed wav. In addition to speech files and metadata about the speakers, timeless label files and automatic time segmentation alignment files are included. Text is presented as UTF-8 plain text.

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