Fixed1it Design

Full Official Name: Fixed1it Design
Submission date: Jan. 24, 2014, 4:29 p.m.

With a view of supplying SpeechDat family projects with the textual material used in the Italian speech database, CSELT has decided to produce a CD-ROM with all database specifications including the full list of a designed corpus: a set of phonetically rich sentences and a set of application oriented utterances. The Italian SpeechDat databases (produced in the framework of SpeechDat(M) and SpeechDat(II)) used this textual material. The SpeechDat common specification totals 40 utterances per call, comprising a mixture of spontaneous and read speech. The purpose of each telephone call was to record the basic structure of the utterances mentioned below. All utterances are read speech unless marked as spontaneous. The list of utterances is as follows: - 3 application words; - 1 sequence of 10 isolated digits; - 4 connected digits: 1 sheet number (5 digits), 1 telephone number (9-11 digits), 1 credit card number (14-16 digits), 1 PIN code (6 digits); - 3 dates: 1 spontaneous date (e.g. birthday), 1 prompted date (word style), 1 relative and general date expression; - 1 word spotting phrase using an application word (embedded); - 1 isolated digit; - 3 spelled-out words (letter sequences): 1 spontaneous (e.g. own forename), 1 spelling of directory city name, 1 real/artificial name for coverage; - 1 money amount in Lire; - 1 natural number; - 5 directory assistance names: 1 own forename (spontaneous), 1 city of birth/home town (spontaneous), 1 most frequent city, 1 most frequent company/agency, 1 "forename surname"; - 2 questions, including "Fuzzy" yes/no: 1 predominantly "yes" question, 1 predominantly "no" question; - 9 phonetically rich sentences; - 2 time phrases: 1 time of day (spontaneous), 1 time phrase (word style); - 4 phonetically rich words. In the case of the Italian fixed network database, four additional items were added to the one designed in the project: - 1 telephone area code - 1 money amount in EURO - 2 "yes/no" questions For the Italian SpeechDat corpus, the full list of items is supplied in two different files: the first contains the prompted text read by speakers in the supplied sheet and the second file contains the orthographic transcription. Statistics are supplied for each corpus, which are computed on the repetition of digits, letters or phonemes (diphones and triphones) depending on the corpus type. These statistics are reported in a separate file for each corpus. A documentation file aiming at describing the entire corpus design is included on the CD-ROM. It also covers the motivations that lead to that particular design. Finally, a complete lexicon file (in SpeechDat format) is supplied. The CD-ROM does not contain any recordings. KEY FEATURES: Type of resource : Textual material Domain/Source: Textual material used within the Italian SpeechDat(M) and SpeechDat(II) databases File format: ASCII; A lexicon in SAMPA is also provided Distribution media: 1 CD-ROM Related resources: Italian SpeechDat(M) database (ELRA-S0052 and S0053)

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