LC-STAR English-Russian Bilingual Aligned Phrasal lexicon

Full Official Name: LC-STAR English-Russian Bilingual Aligned Phrasal lexicon
Submission date: Jan. 24, 2014, 4:30 p.m.

The LC-STAR English-Russian Bilingual Aligned Phrasal lexicon was created within the scope of the LC-STAR project (IST 2001-32216) which was sponsored by the European Commission. It was designed for SST (Speech-to-Speech Translation) and ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) applications. The lexicon comprises 10,519 phrases from the tourist domain. It is based on a list of short sentences obtained by translation from a US-English 10,000 phrase corpus. The lexicon contains the following information: - US-English phrase (orthography), - its translation into Russian (orthography), and for each token in Russian a phrase provides the following: - orthography of a word, - part of speech, - lemma, - foreign tag (if the word is non-Russian), - foreign language tag (if the word is foreign and can be attributed definitely to a certain foreign language). The lexicon is provided in XML format. The database is stored on 1 CD.

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