PAROLE French Corpus

Full Official Name: PAROLE French Corpus
Submission date: Jan. 24, 2014, 4:30 p.m.

The PAROLE French corpus contains the following data: Miscellaneous: Data provided by ELRA (CRATER, MLCC Multilingual and Parallel Corpora) 2 025 964 words Books: CNRS Editions 3 267 409 words Periodicals: CNRS Info, Hermès 942 963 words Newspapers: Le Monde, provided by ELRA 13 856 763 words Total 20 093 099 words 1. Newspapers: 14 million words were extracted from complete issues of years 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993 and 1995 of Le Monde newspaper. 241,484 words, from 7 issues of Le Monde of September 1987, have been extracted, and POS-tagged automatically. Each article consists of a complete item ? header ? according to the directives of the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative). Le Monde original markups were changed into classication features, so that extracting articles of different topics is possible. 2. Periodicals: ? HERMES Issues 15 to 22 have been used (134 articles, one Word file per article). The data have been converted from Word to RTF (Rich Text Format) and then, via a translator, from RTF to HTML. The conversion from HTML to the PAROLE format was made thanks to flex programs. The result for each article is: one "header" file which contains information on the author and the article id, and one "body" file which contains the article itself. A perl script is creating the final file from both "header" and "body". ? CNRS-Infos The data come from the CNRS-Infos Web site ( Each file has been processed as follows: cleaning the HTML header, extracting a summary, cleaning of HTML markups, translation to the PAROLE format, creation of the "header" and the "body" files (see Hermès). . Like Hermès files, a perl script is creating the final file from both "header" and "body". 3. Books All books were provided on CD-ROM as Xpress files, each book having its own structure. Therefore, each book has been considered separately. XPress allows conversion to a format called "Xpress markup". This format enables to spot the different structures of the book (if the Xpress file has been laid out well - which is not always the case). The structure of each book had to be worked out to create the perl script which enables the translation to the PAROLE format. Conformance to the PAROLE format was made thanks to a "nsgmls" tool. The errors found during the verification have been manually corrected.

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