Dutch PAROLE lexicon

Full Official Name: Dutch PAROLE lexicon
Submission date: Jan. 24, 2014, 4:22 p.m.

The entry list of the lexicon consists of about 20,200 entries distributed over 13 parts of speech (POS). The entries have been described along the dimensions of morphosyntax and syntax. Morphosyntactic information consists of various lexical properties, like gender, number, case, person, inflection, etc. Syntactic descriptions consist of typical complementation patterns associated with the various lemmata. The composition of the entry list of the lexicon is based on 3 corpora from the Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie (INL) and 2 lexica. The corpora contain a total of about 54 million words and have been automatically annotated for part-of-speech and lemma. The lexica contain morphosyntactic information of various kinds. For verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs, lemmata that were covered by at least 2 corpora and the 2 lexica were selected on the basis of cumulative frequency, coverage (distribution over sources) and inflected forms. For the smaller parts of speech, these selection requirements appeared to be too strict. Entry selection for these parts of speech was based on ranked frequency. The entries, uniquely defined by the combination of part of speech (e.g. noun) and subtype (e.g. common vs. proper noun), are provided with morphosyntactic information according to the Dutch set of PAROLE categories and features, and, where available, with syntactic information. Morphosyntactic information is automatically extracted from the INL lexica. Syntactic data have been collected manually, by inspection of corpus data and - where necessary - consultation of reference works. The corpus consulted consists of the newspaper component and the varied component of the 38 Million Words Corpus 1996. Word forms in the Dutch PAROLE lexicon are not inflected according to general paradigms, but are related to their lemma by a set of string procedures. These procedures are not unique. They can be shared by many other word forms. An example is suffixation with -e for adjectives, which produces "goede"/good from "goed". Inflected forms can be derived directly by applying the string procedures to the lemma they are connected with. The lexicon is set up as an SGML file (over 30 MB of plain ASCII). Its contents have been encoded in a distributed manner: all formative entities (like lemmata, syntactic phrases, feature bundles) are SGML entities, related by a pointer mechanism to other entities. The lexicon contains the following categories : adjectives (3,298 entries), adpositions (80 entries), adverbs (554 entries), articles (3 entries), conjunctions (70 entries), determiners (59 entries), interjections (235 entries), nouns (12,279 entries), numerals (77 entries), pronouns (85 entries), residuals (186 entries), unique (1 entry), verb (3,274 entries). More info on the Parole project: http://www.elda.org/catalogue/en/text/doc/parole.html

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