This dictionary gathers different disciplines and topics such as: PABX (Private Automatic Branch eXchange), public telephone exchange, switch, microwave radio system, satellites, multiplexer, signalling, printed circuit, telephony, etc. It also contains many synonyms and abbreviations in both languages, as well as meaning, case or applications for polysemic terms. Languages : French - English (GB, US), English (GB, US) - French Number of entries: 89,200 Number of terms per language: about -10% with respect to the number of entries (i.e. ca. 80,000 terms) Disciplines: about 185 Format: The database will be delivered as .DBF files, sorted alphabetically in French and English A viewer is also available upon demand. This software enables a spontaneous search French => English and English => French in the database according to different criteria: - by beginning of term, - by included word, - by discipline, - by abbreviation. Viewing format: .FIC (Windev) Please note that the prices indicated here are dependent from the number of entries available which is growing constantly. Please contact us for further details.