The Scientific Edition and Morpho-Syntactic Database of Mikael Agricola's Works

Full Official Name: Mikael Agricolan teosten tieteellinen editio ja morfosyntaktinen tietokanta
Submission date: Oct. 9, 2014, 4:43 p.m.

The purpose of the project is to edit the literary works of Mikael Agricola (1510-1557) in a digital format that will make it possible to produce a printed scientific version of the works with comments and explanations, as well as special versions, partial databases and searches in electronic form meant to be used in multidisciplinary Agricola-researches. Other outcomes of the project are special researches and a dictionary on the language of Agricola. The morphological and syntactic features of the texts are analysed with a morpho-syntactic coding system created for this specific purpose. The analysis follows the coding system of the electronic Lauseopin arkisto (Syntactic Archives) of Finnish dialects, compiled by the department of Finnish language at the University of Turku following the initiative of Osmo Ikola, when applicable.This makes possible different morpho-syntactic searches and direct comparisons with the corresponding morphological and syntactic parts of modern Finnish. The primary data is the Agricola text corpus of the Institute for the Languages of Finland, which has been reviewed during the compilation by comparing different original texts. Each of the nine works of Agricola will be edited separately. The database will be made available at

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