Polderland Dutch Lexicon of Business Terminology

Full Official Name: Polderland Dutch Lexicon of Business Terminology
Submission date: Jan. 24, 2014, 4:31 p.m.

The lexicon contains 15,987 Dutch words from the business domain, comprising 13,774 nouns, 1,267 adjectives, 895 verbs, 9 adverbs, and 42 items from other categories. The lexicon complies with the official Dutch Spelling (2005). Each entry contains an ID, word form and part of speech. The lexicon is delivered in human-readable UNIX ANSI-format, with just a linefeed at the end of every line instead of a carriage return. The character set used is ISO Latin-1 (ISO/IEC 8859-1). All fields are separated by horizontal tabs, with no empty fields.

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