The French/Spanish parallel Corpus, PaFreS, is part of an ongoing major project, PaCorES, Parallel Corpora Spanish, which aims to collect a series of bilingual parallel corpora with Spanish as the central language. So far German/Spanish (, English/Spanish ( Chinese/Spanish ( and this one. The corpus PaFreS is comprised of original texts in French or Spanish and their translation and French and Spanish translations of a third language. So far PaFreS contains some 3,000,000 tokens, segmented into 58,000 bisegments, i.e. sentence or subsentence aligned pairs of text chunks. We aim at building a multifunctional and representative language resource for the language pair French / Spanish that is able to meet differentiated need of users and that can be exploited for multiple purposes such as general research in contrastive linguistics, linguistic typology, translation studies and bilingual lexicography, as well as the supply of training data to machine translation systems. Main purpose of the corpus PaFreS is to be a useful and easy to use tool for translators and learners of French or Spanish as Foreign Languages at intermediate and advanced levels. With this tool they can get a multitude of translation suggestions made by humans and presented within examples of real language use. It includes so far: -A Collection of 12 books of classical literature, 5 of them original in French and 7 in English.-Ted-Talks, a corpus that collects the French and Spanish translations of the transcriptions of 2008 Ted-Talks from 2006 to 2016. -Europarl v7, a corpus that collects the proceedings (Verbatim reports) of the European Parliament from 1996 to 2011. -Global-Voices a corpus of 2362 texts written by an international, multilingual, primarily volunteer community of writers, translators, academics, and human rights activists.