Kasdi-Merbah (University) Emotional Database in Arabic Speech

Full Official Name: Kasdi-Merbah (University) Emotional Database in Arabic Speech
Submission date: Dec. 15, 2023, 10:13 p.m.

Kasdi-Merbah Emotional Database in Arabic Speech (LDC2023S10) was developed by the University of Kasdi Merbah Ouargla. The corpus contains two hours of Modern Standard Arabic prompted speech from 500 speakers (254 female, 246 male) representing 5,000 utterances. Speech data was collected in 2022. Each speaker read ten sentences, with two sentences each for five different emotions (sadness, fear, anger, happiness, neutral). The sentences are included in the README file. The audio data is presented as flac compressed, single channel, 44 kHz, 16-bit linear PCM.

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